Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Love Crows

Crows finished up for Blackberry Junction and Funky Farm Girl.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Finished up Pillows....

Just finished up some pillows yesterday. These will be for sale next month at Blackberry Junction in Albany and Funky Farm Girl in Woodburn Each pillow will be $24.95 and is hand stitched. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Funky Farm Girl

My good friend Dawn has opened a store in her house and it is wonderful. She is so sweet - she is selling my goods as well! This Friday and Saturday August 1 and 2 from 10 to 5 she will be open selling all kinds of great stuff. She is open only once a month - the next open house will be in September. Here are a couple of pictures of her shop...

Funky Farm Girl is located at 5419 LeBrun Rd in Woodburn - you can call Dawn for directions at 503-792-4783. Her shop is about 20 minutes from Salem and 5 to 10 minutes from Woodburn and so worth the drive.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Primitive Scarecrows

I just finished these great scarecrows. I really have been having fun making things for my up coming fall shows. I know September is a long time away, but I want to have a booth filled to the brim with great things for sale.
These scarecrows are made from a Chestnut Junction pattern. I just love making Kellie's designs.

Furniture Finish Easy Fix

I have really been enjoying trying things out on Pinterest. I might even be willing to admit that I am a little bit addicted. I have learn so much since I have been pinning.
 One of the things I was dying to try was using cooking oil and vinegar to bring tired and scratched furniture back to life. I thought I would try on two pieces that I really didn't want to paint.
The first piece was this neat old high chair.

(please excuse my messy craft room). I tried to get some close ups of some of the wear.
I also wanted to try it on this sweet little firkin/ sugar bucket.
I used 1/4 cup of vinegar and 3/4 of cooking oil. The directions I pinned said that you could use any vinegar or oil that you have on hand. I had regular vinegar and oil so that is what I used. I would add the vinegar to the oil - it is easier to stir/ mix them up (the oil just stays on top of the vinegar if you put the vinegar in first). Then I just used one rag to apply and rub in the oil and  vinegar and a dry rag to wipe off any excess. All you do is rub it in and this is the finished look.

As you can see there is still a little bit of wear, but overall it's much more subtile and I like it. The firkin came out much better...

I just love how it came out on the firkin. So much better. I will be doing this in the future love it and it's so affordable.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Finished up more stitcheries..

Well I finally finished up the stitcheries I made while I was sick. Now I can get started on some other fun projects. I'm trying to get as many holiday handmades done as I can. I am planning on making everyday goodies too.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Back to work ....

It has taken me a lot longer than I thought it would to get started on my blog...
I finally feel like I am beginning to get all my ducks in a row. This month I only got a couple of stitcheries done.  I got a nasty cold and sitting on the couch is a great time to stitch away. I have a couple of more that I am making into Christmas ornaments and a couple more that need to be framed but here is what I have done so far...

Its a small start, but it's a start. Right now it looks like me first show won't be until September. Cory and I went to Astoria for my birthday and I picked up some neat vintage treasures there too. Please check back often to see what else I've gotten done.