Thursday, January 30, 2014

Primitive Scarecrows

I just finished these great scarecrows. I really have been having fun making things for my up coming fall shows. I know September is a long time away, but I want to have a booth filled to the brim with great things for sale.
These scarecrows are made from a Chestnut Junction pattern. I just love making Kellie's designs.

Furniture Finish Easy Fix

I have really been enjoying trying things out on Pinterest. I might even be willing to admit that I am a little bit addicted. I have learn so much since I have been pinning.
 One of the things I was dying to try was using cooking oil and vinegar to bring tired and scratched furniture back to life. I thought I would try on two pieces that I really didn't want to paint.
The first piece was this neat old high chair.

(please excuse my messy craft room). I tried to get some close ups of some of the wear.
I also wanted to try it on this sweet little firkin/ sugar bucket.
I used 1/4 cup of vinegar and 3/4 of cooking oil. The directions I pinned said that you could use any vinegar or oil that you have on hand. I had regular vinegar and oil so that is what I used. I would add the vinegar to the oil - it is easier to stir/ mix them up (the oil just stays on top of the vinegar if you put the vinegar in first). Then I just used one rag to apply and rub in the oil and  vinegar and a dry rag to wipe off any excess. All you do is rub it in and this is the finished look.

As you can see there is still a little bit of wear, but overall it's much more subtile and I like it. The firkin came out much better...

I just love how it came out on the firkin. So much better. I will be doing this in the future love it and it's so affordable.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Finished up more stitcheries..

Well I finally finished up the stitcheries I made while I was sick. Now I can get started on some other fun projects. I'm trying to get as many holiday handmades done as I can. I am planning on making everyday goodies too.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Back to work ....

It has taken me a lot longer than I thought it would to get started on my blog...
I finally feel like I am beginning to get all my ducks in a row. This month I only got a couple of stitcheries done.  I got a nasty cold and sitting on the couch is a great time to stitch away. I have a couple of more that I am making into Christmas ornaments and a couple more that need to be framed but here is what I have done so far...

Its a small start, but it's a start. Right now it looks like me first show won't be until September. Cory and I went to Astoria for my birthday and I picked up some neat vintage treasures there too. Please check back often to see what else I've gotten done.